Source code for prov2bigchaindb.core.clients

import logging
from io import BufferedReader

import bigchaindb_driver as bd
import prov.graph as provgraph
import prov.model as provmodel
from bigchaindb_driver import pool as bdpool
from networkx import is_directed_acyclic_graph
from networkx import isolates
from networkx import topological_sort

from prov2bigchaindb.core import utils, local_stores, accounts

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseClient(object): """ BigchainDB Base Client """ def __init__(self, host: str = '', port: int = 9984, num_connections: int = 5, local_store: local_stores.SqliteStore = local_stores.SqliteStore()): """ Instantiate Base Client object :param host: BigchaindDB Hostname or IP (default: :type host: str :param port: BigchaindDB Port (default: 9984) :type port: int :param num_connections: Amount of connections made to BigchainDB node :type num_connections: int :param local_store: Local database object :type local_store: SqliteStore """ assert num_connections > 0 self.node = 'http://{}:{}'.format(host, str(port)) self.connections = num_connections * [bd.BigchainDB(self.node)] self.connection_pool = bdpool.Pool(self.connections) = local_store
[docs] def test_transaction(self, tx: dict) -> bool: """ Validate a transaction against BigchainDB :param tx: Transaction to test :type tx: dict :return: True or Exception :rtype: bool """ reason = None if not utils.is_valid_tx(tx['id'], self.connection_pool.get_connection()): reason = "TX is invalid" elif not utils.is_block_to_tx_valid(tx['id'], self.connection_pool.get_connection()): reason = "Block is invalid" if reason is None: return True log.error("Test failed: %s", tx['id']) raise Exception(reason)
def _get_bigchain_connection(self) -> bd.BigchainDB: """ Returns BigchainDB connection :return: BigchainDB connection object :rtype: bd.BigchainDB """ return self.connection_pool.get_connection()
[docs] def save_document(self, document: object) -> object: """ Abstract method to store a document :param document: Document to save :type document: object :return: id :rtype: object """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
[docs] def get_document(self, document_id: object) -> provmodel.ProvDocument: """ Abstract method to retrieve a document :param document_id: Document to save :type document_id: object :rtype: ProvDocument """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
[docs]class DocumentConceptClient(BaseClient): """""" def __init__(self, account_id: str = None, host: str = '', port: int = 9984, num_connections: int = 1, local_store: local_stores.SqliteStore = local_stores.SqliteStore()): """ Instantiate Document Client object :param host: BigchaindDB Hostname or IP (default: :type host: str :param port: BigchaindDB Port (default: 9984) :type port: int :param local_store: Local database object :type local_store: SqliteStore """ super().__init__(host, port, num_connections, local_store) self.account = accounts.DocumentConceptAccount(account_id,
[docs] def save_document(self, document: str or bytes or provmodel.ProvDocument) -> str: """ Write a document into BigchainDB :param document: Document as JSON/XML/PROVN :type document: str or bytes or ProvDocument :return: Transaction id of document :rtype: str """"Save document...") prov_document = utils.to_prov_document(content=document) asset = {'prov': prov_document.serialize(format='json')} tx_id = self.account.save_asset(asset, self._get_bigchain_connection())"Saved document in Tx with id: %s", tx_id) return tx_id
[docs] def get_document(self, tx_id: str) -> provmodel.ProvDocument: """ Retrieve a document by transaction id from BigchainDB :param tx_id: Transaction Id of Document :type tx_id: str :return: Document as ProvDocument object :rtype: ProvDocument """"Retrieve and build document") tx = self._get_bigchain_connection().transactions.retrieve(tx_id) self.test_transaction(tx) if 'id' in tx['asset'].keys(): tx = self._get_bigchain_connection().transactions.get(asset_id=tx['asset']['id'])[0] self.test_transaction(tx)"Success") return utils.to_prov_document(tx['asset']['data']['prov'])
[docs]class GraphConceptClient(BaseClient): """""" def __init__(self, host: str = '', port: int = 9984, num_connections: int = 5, local_store: local_stores.SqliteStore = local_stores.SqliteStore()): """ Instantiate Graph Client object :param host: BigchaindDB Hostname or IP (default: :type host: str :param port: BigchaindDB Port (default: 9984) :type port: int :param local_store: Local database object :type local_store: SqliteStore """ super().__init__(host, port, num_connections, local_store=local_store) self.accounts = []
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_account_data(prov_document: provmodel.ProvDocument) -> list: """ Transforms a ProvDocument into a tuple with ProvElement, list of ProvRelation and list of Namespaces :param prov_document: Document to transform :type prov_document: :return: List of tuples(element, relations, namespace) :rtype: list """ namespaces = prov_document.get_registered_namespaces() g = provgraph.prov_to_graph(prov_document=prov_document) elements = [] for node, node_dict in g.adjacency(): relations = {'with_id': [], 'without_id': []} # print(node) for tmp_relations in node_dict.values(): for relation in tmp_relations.values(): relation = relation['relation'] if relation.identifier: relations['with_id'].append(relation) else: relations['without_id'].append(relation) elements.append((node, relations, namespaces)) return elements
[docs] def save_document(self, document: str or BufferedReader or provmodel.ProvDocument) -> list: """ Write a document into BigchainDB :param document: Document as JSON/XML/PROVN :type document: str or BufferedReader or ProvDocument :return: List of transaction ids :rtype: list """"Save document...") document_tx_ids = [] prov_document = utils.to_prov_document(content=document) elements = GraphConceptClient.calculate_account_data(prov_document) id_mapping = {}"Create and Save instances") for prov_element, prov_relations, namespaces in elements: for rel in prov_relations['with_id']: id_mapping[rel.identifier] = '' for prov_element, prov_relations, namespaces in elements: account = accounts.GraphConceptAccount(prov_element, prov_relations, id_mapping, namespaces, self.accounts.append(account) tx_id = account.save_instance_asset(self._get_bigchain_connection()) document_tx_ids.append(tx_id)"Save relations with ids") for account in filter(lambda acc: acc.has_relations_with_id, self.accounts): document_tx_ids += account.save_relations_with_ids(self._get_bigchain_connection())"Save relations without ids") for account in filter(lambda acc: acc.has_relations_without_id, self.accounts): document_tx_ids += account.save_relations_without_ids(self._get_bigchain_connection())"Saved document in %s Tx", len(document_tx_ids)) return document_tx_ids
[docs] def get_document(self, document_tx_ids: list) -> provmodel.ProvDocument: """ Retrieve a document by a list transaction ids from BigchainDB :param document_tx_ids: Transaction Ids of Document :type document_tx_ids: list :return: Document as ProvDocument object :rtype: ProvDocument """"Retrieve and rebuild document...") doc = provmodel.ProvDocument() for i in document_tx_ids:"tx id: %s",i) tx = self._get_bigchain_connection().transactions.get(asset_id=i)[0] self.test_transaction(tx) if 'id' in tx['asset'].keys(): tx = self._get_bigchain_connection().transactions.get(asset_id=tx['asset']['id'])[0] self.test_transaction(tx) tmp_doc = utils.to_prov_document(tx['asset']['data']['prov']) for namespace in tmp_doc.get_registered_namespaces(): doc.add_namespace(namespace) for record in tmp_doc.get_records(): doc.add_record(record=record)"Success") return doc
[docs]class RoleConceptClient(BaseClient): """""" def __init__(self, host: str = '', port: int = 9984, num_connections: int = 5, local_store: local_stores.SqliteStore = local_stores.SqliteStore()): """ Instantiate Role Client object :param host: BigchaindDB Hostname or IP (default: :type host: str :param port: BigchaindDB Port (default: 9984) :type port: int :param local_store: Local database object :type local_store: SqliteStore """ super().__init__(host, port, num_connections, local_store=local_store) self.accounts = []
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_account_data(prov_document: provmodel.ProvDocument) -> list: """ Transforms a ProvDocument into a list of tuples including: ProvAgent, list of ProvRelations from agent, list of ProvElements associated to ProvAgent, list of Namespaces :param prov_document: Document to transform :type prov_document: :return: List of tuples(ProvAgent, list(), list(), list()) :rtype: list """ namespaces = prov_document.get_registered_namespaces() g = provgraph.prov_to_graph(prov_document=prov_document) sorted_nodes = list(reversed(list(topological_sort(g)))) agents = list(filter(lambda elem: isinstance(elem, provmodel.ProvAgent), sorted_nodes)) elements = list(filter(lambda elem: not isinstance(elem, provmodel.ProvAgent), sorted_nodes)) # Check on compatibility if not is_directed_acyclic_graph(g): raise Exception("Provenance graph is not acyclic") if list(isolates(g)): raise Exception("Provenance not compatible with role-based concept. Has isolated Elements") for element in elements: if provmodel.ProvAgent not in [type(n) for n in g.neighbors(element)]: raise Exception( "Provenance not compatible with role-based concept. Element {} has not relation to any agent".format( element)) accounts = [] for agent in agents: # find out-going relations from agent agent_relations = [] for u, v in g.out_edges(agent): # Todo check if filter does not left out some info agent_relations.append(g.get_edge_data(u, v)[0]['relation']) agent_elements = {} i = 0 for element in elements: element_relations = [] if g.has_edge(element, agent): for u, v in set(g.out_edges(element)): for relation in g[u][v].values(): element_relations.append(relation['relation']) agent_elements[i] = {element: element_relations} i += 1 accounts.append((agent, agent_relations, agent_elements, namespaces)) return accounts
[docs] def save_document(self, document: str or BufferedReader or provmodel.ProvDocument) -> list: """ Write a document into BigchainDB :param document: Document as JSON/XML/PROVN :type document: str or BufferedReader or ProvDocument :return: List of transaction ids :rtype: list """"Save document...") document_tx_ids = [] prov_document = utils.to_prov_document(content=document) account_data = RoleConceptClient.calculate_account_data(prov_document) id_mapping = {}"Create and Save instances") for agent, relations, elements, namespaces in account_data: account = accounts.RoleConceptAccount(agent, relations, elements, id_mapping, namespaces, self.accounts.append(account) tx_id = account.save_instance_asset(self._get_bigchain_connection()) document_tx_ids.append(tx_id)"Save elements") for account in self.accounts: document_tx_ids += account.save_elements(self._get_bigchain_connection())"Saved document in %s Tx", len(document_tx_ids)) return document_tx_ids
[docs] def get_document(self, document_tx_ids: list) -> provmodel.ProvDocument: """ Returns a document by a list transaction ids from BigchainDB :param document_tx_ids: Transaction Ids of Document :type document_tx_ids: list :return: Document as ProvDocument object :rtype: ProvDocument """"Retrieve and rebuild document...") doc = provmodel.ProvDocument() for i in document_tx_ids: tx = self._get_bigchain_connection().transactions.get(asset_id=i)[0] self.test_transaction(tx) if 'id' in tx['asset'].keys(): tx = self._get_bigchain_connection().transactions.get(asset_id=tx['asset']['id'])[0] self.test_transaction(tx) tmp_doc = utils.to_prov_document(tx['asset']['data']['prov']) for namespace in tmp_doc.get_registered_namespaces(): doc.add_namespace(namespace) for record in tmp_doc.get_records(): doc.add_record(record=record)"Success") return doc